Saturday, 20 April 2013

Plastic iPhone shell appears in leaked photo

This morning a single photo of what very much appears to be the fabled low-cost plastic iPhone. This device has been said to be appearing later this year in a collection of colors for a price that will allow Apple to not only sustain iPhone sales on the whole, but to expand to markets previously unavailable to them due to the cost of producing the standard iPhone. This case may well also be just that – a case.
What you’re seeing here is the back of what’s very much intended to look like an Apple product, at least. If you have a peek at the camera lens hold and flash bulb hole, you’ll see that there’s also a microphone hole in-between. You’ll see a printed-on ink Apple logo as well as the standard “iPhone” lettered-logo in their regular places, while the left-hand side of the device appears to have slightly updated places for buttons.
This setup shows the new iPhone – if that’s what this is – to be working with volume knobs and a lock switch not unlike that of the iPod touch units of the past. This case also appears to be a bit thicker than the iPhone is currently, leading us to believe that this will either be a high-capacity model using a massive battery or that it is, again, just a case for a future iteration of the standard model.
Another possibility is that this photo has been forged entirely – keep your wits about you and make sure you’re questioning everything that appears with an Apple logo on it in this time before the launch of Apple’s newest product. Head down to the Apple hub we’ve got set up for more information on the possibilities this summer and stay tuned as more colors arrive!
[via Tactus]

Plastic iPhone shell appears in leaked photo is written by Chris Burns & originally posted on SlashGear. 

Posted By: charitra swaroop


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