Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Is C Still Relevant in the 21st Century?

Many programming languages have come and gone since Dennis Ritchie devised C in 1972, and yet C has not only survived three major revisions, but continues to thrive. Large chunks of Windows were written in C, along with most of Linux.
But aside from this incredible legacy, what keeps C atop the Tiobe Index? The number of jobs on for C programmers is not huge, and many of those also include C++ and Objective-C. On Reddit, the C community, while one of the ten most popular programming communities, is half the size of the C++ group. (Of course, after more than four decades, maybe there’s not a whole lot of new material published about C!) (Aside from this article, of course.)

Despite being overshadowed by other languages, I believe C remains relevant for the following reasons:
It’s Easy to Learn
The only advanced features in C are pointers and function pointers. Once you’ve mastered those, you’ve pretty much learned the language. Knowing C provides a handy insight into higher-level languages—C++, Objective-C, Perl, Python, Java, PHP, C#, D and Go all have block syntax that’s derived from C. And reference variables in C# will be easier to understand because you know C pointers.
It’s Still Used
There is an immense amount of software written in C that’s still used, including Apache and NGINX Web servers, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Ingres database, GIMP, CPython, Perl 5, PHP, Mathematica, MATLAB and most device drivers.
From the end of the 1980s until the early 2000s, developers relied on C to develop games, with C++ taking over after that. There’s so much C source code still around that learning to program games in C using the SDL library is not hard.
The Internet
The Internet is basically driven by C applications. Most browsers are written in C++, but C code is used for the infrastructure, mail sending utilities, DNS utilities, etc.
Some modern compilers generate C as an output stage. This saves the compiler-writer having to create a code generation stage for each platform.
Need for Tight Coding
The increased availability of low-cost processors with small amounts of RAM and ROM requires tight coding, and C fulfills that role perfectly.
It’s not been all rosy for C, especially with Internet-facing code; many of the vulnerabilities that have plagued Microsoft and other vendors are due to C functions that don’t do bounds-checking and end up called by buggy code. (Networked computers weren’t so commonplace back in the day, and no one predicted that malware writers working remotely would seek to exploit these unsafe functions.) These vulnerabilities have now been examined and a large number of C functions banned from use, replaced with safer versions that have an extra parameter (usually a limit value).
Newer C Compiler Support
Fifteen years on, the C99 standard is largely supported in compilers such as GCC and Clang, along with several commercial ones. The C11 standard, however, is still too new to be fully implemented, although it has partial support. It’s a reasonable guess that the most popular version of C is still C89 (also known as ANSI C). But with CPUs having greater numbers of cores, it’s likely that C11 will be a necessity in a few years because of its thread support with the threads library.
Is C Still Relevant?
Yes. It’s easy to learn, there’s a lot of it still in use, and plenty of free or open-source compilers. While it may not get you a job, it will give you an excellent grounding in low-level programming. It’s not growing in popularity… but it’s not going away anytime soon either.
By David Bolton | Dec 8, 2014

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

15 Body language blunders to watch out....

15 Body language blunders to watch out for:
Leaning Back too much — you come off lazy or arrogant.
Leaning forward — can seem aggressive. Aim for a neutral posture.
Breaking eye contact too soon — can make you seem untrustworthy or overly nervous. Hold eye contact a hair longer, especially during a handshake.
Nodding too much — can make you look like a bobble head doll! Even if you agree with what’s being said, nod once and then try to remain still.
Chopping or pointing with your hands — feels aggressive.
Crossing your arms — makes you look defensive, especially when you’re answering questions. Try to keep your arms at your sides.
Fidgeting — instantly telegraphs how nervous you are. Avoid it at all costs.
Holding your hands behind your back (or firmly in your pockets) — can look rigid and stiff. Aim for a natural, hands at your sides posture.
Looking up or looking around — is a natural cue that someone is lying or not being themselves. Try to hold steady eye contact.
Staring — can be interpreted as aggressive. There’s a fine line between holding someone’s gaze and staring them down.
Failing to smile — can make people uncomfortable, and wonder if you really want to be there. Go for a genuine smile especially when meeting someone for the first time.
Stepping back when you’re asking for a decision — conveys fear or uncertainty. Stand your ground, or even take a slight step forward with conviction.
Steepling your fingers or holding palms up — looks like a begging position and conveys weakness.
Standing with hands on hips — is an aggressive posture, like a bird or a dog puffing themselves up to look bigger.
Checking your phone or watch — says you want to be somewhere else. Plus, it’s just bad manners.


Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Secret Codes

Samsung Secret Codes !

*#06# displays phones IMEI NO.
*#9999# SW Version.
*#8888# HW Version.
*#0842# Vibrator.
*#0289# Buzzer.
*#0228# Battery Stat.
*#0782# RTC Display (?¿)
*#0523# LCD Contrast.
*#0377# NVM error log (?¿)
*#5646# GSM Logo Set.
*#0778# Sim Serv, Table. (?¿)
*#0638# SIM Network ID.
*#0746# SIM info.
*#0076# Production No.
*#3323# Forced Crash (?¿ don't know, but dose not sound good)
*#2576# SIM error.
*#4357# This screen ( the actural help screen)
*#9324# Netmon <> press the hung up key to exit.
*#0778# To see what your SIM suportes.
*#0746# Your sim type.
*#32439483 Digital Audio Interference off.
*#32436837# Digital Audio Interference on.
*#9998*JAVA# Edit GPRS/CSD settings (S100 only).
*#9998*Help# Screen / List of codes.
*#9998*RTC# RTC Display.
*#9998*bat# Battery Status.
*#9998*buz# Turns Buzzer On.
*#9998*vub# Turns Vibator On.
*#9998*LCD# LCD Contrast.
*#9998*9999# Sotfware Version.
*#9998*8888# Hardware Version.
*#9998*377# Non Volatile Merory Error Log.
*#9998*NET# SIM NEtwork ID
*#9998*778# SIM Serv. Table.
*#9998*968# Remider Tune.
*#9998*NVM# Displays Non-Volitile Mermory Status.
*#9999*C# Netmon.
*#9998*2576# Forces SIM Error.
*#9998*DEAD# Forces Phone Crash.
*#9998*533# (LED).
*#999* Show date and alarm clock.
*#8999*638# show network information.
*#9998*5646# change operator logoat startup.
*#9998*968# View melody alarm.

*2767*MEDIA# Resets the media on phone <>DELETES all downloaded PICS/TONES <>
*2767*FULL# Resets the EEPRON* <>°DANGEROUS°<>
*2767*CUST# Resets the sustom EEPRON.
*2767*JAVA# Resets JAV downloads ( dealets all downloaded midits)
*2767*225RESET# * VERY Dangerous.

#0111*0000000# Removes SIM Lock.


*2767*688# = Unlocking code
*#8999*8378# = All in one code
*#4777*8665# = GPSR Tool
*#8999*3825583# = External Display
*#8999*377# = Errors
*#2255# = call list
#*5737425# = JAVA Something chouse 2and it chrashed.

#*536961# = Java Status Code
#*536962# = Java Status Code
#*536963# = Java Status Code
#*53696# = Java Status Code

#*1200# = AFC DAC Val
#*1300# =IMEI
#*1400# = IMSl

#*2562# ?¿ white for 15 sec than restarts.
#*2565# Check Blocking
#*3353# check code
#*3837# = ?¿ White for 15 secs than restarts.
#*3849# = ?¿ white for 15 secs than restarts.

#*7222# = Operation Typ ( class C GSM)
#*7224# = I got ERROR !
#*7252# = Operation Typ ( Class B GPRS)
#*7271# Multi Slot ( Class 1 GPRS)
#*7271# Multi Slot ( Class 4 GPRS)
#*7337# = EEPROM Reset ( unlock and resets Wap settings)
#*2787# CRTP ON/OFF
#*3737# L1 Dbg Data
#*5133# L1 Dbg Data
#*7288# GPRS Attached
#*7287# GPRS Detached
#*7666# SrCell Data
#*7693# Sleep Act/Deact ( enable or disable the black screen after doing nothen for a while)
#*7284# Class B/C Or GPRS
#*2256# Calibration Info
#*2286# Battery Data
#*2679# Copycat Feature (Activate or deactavite)
#*3940# External loop 9600 bps
#*8462# sleeptime
#*5176# L1 Sleep
#*5187# L1C2G Trace ( activate or deactivate)
#*3877# Dump Of spy trace
5/31/2006 12:15 PM
*#8999*636# Have no clue i see 20 lines
*#8999*8376263# HW Ver SW Ver and build date
*#746565# Checks the locks
*7465625*638*Code# Enables Network lock
#7465625*638*Code# Disables Network lock
#7465625*782*code# Disables Subset lock
*7465625*782*code# Enables subset lock

*7465625*746*code# Enables SIM lock
#7465625*746*code# disables SIM lock

*7465625*28746# Auto SIM lock On
#7465625*28746# Auto SIM lock Off

(*Known Unlock CODES*)

S500/ P400/ E500/ E700/ X100/ X600/ E100/
Enter *2767*3855# with and accepted SIM card If this codes fails, Enter *2767*688# or #*

A300/ A400 / A800
Enter code above with an accepted SIM card.


(1) Key board — Herman Hollerith, first keypunch device in 1930’s
(2) Transistor — John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & Wiliam Shockley (1947 - 1948)
(3) RAM — An Wang and Jay Forrester (1951)
(4) Trackball — Tom Cranston and Fred Longstaff (1952)
(5) Hard Disk — IBM , The IBM Model 350 Disk File (1956 )
(6) Integrated Circuit— Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce (1958)
(7) Computer Mouse — Douglas Engelbart (1964)
(8) Laser printer— Gary Stark weather at XEROX in 1969.
(9) Floppy Disk— Alan Shugart & IBM( 1970)
(10) Microprocessor — Faggin, Hoff & Mazor – Intel 4004

Sunday, 9 March 2014

How to Change the Displayed Name of the Processor in Windows 7, XP, and Vista

Step One: Open up the Registry editor (RegEdit).
First, click Start, and search RegEdit (Windows 7/Vista). Open up regedit when the search has found it.

Step Two: On the left hand column in Registry Editor, open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, under it,
open up: Hardware->DESCRIPTION->System->CentralProcess

Step Three: Now you can see a few lines of text on your right side in Registry Editor. Double-Click the one that is named "ProcessorNameString". A small box will pop-up, and you can change the processor's name to anything you like. After your done, press enter and close Registry Editor.

Step Four: Now we will see what we have changed under Windows.
Open Start, and Right-Click Computer, then click Properties in the Context Menu

Step Five: You can see your processor name changed to what ever you changed it to .

Troubleshooting: If the processor name did not change, Do step one, but on Step Two, instead of going into the number 1, go into number 0, and follow the rest of the Tutorial

Full Virus Guide (Explaning Everything)

A virus is a piece of software designed to infect a
computer system. The virus may do nothing
more than reside on the computer. A virus may
also damage the data on your hard disk,
destroy your operating system, and possibly spread
to other systems. Viruses get into your
computer in one of three ways: on contaminated
media (floppy, USB drive, or CD-ROM),
through mail and peer-to-peer sites, or as part of
another program.
Viruses can be classified as polymorphic, stealth,
retroviruses, multipartite, armored,
companion, phage, and macro viruses. Each type of
virus has a different attack strategy
and different consequences.
Many viruses will announce that you're infected as
soon as they gain access to your system.
They may take control of your system and flash
annoying messages on your screen or
destroy your hard disk. When this occurs, you'll
know that you're a victim. Other viruses
will cause your system to slow down, cause files to
disappear from your computer, or take
over your disk space.
You should look for some of the following
symptoms when determining if a virus infection
has occurred:
The programs on your system start to load more
slowly. T his happens because the
virus is spreading to other files in your system or is
taking over system resources.
* Unusual files appear on your hard drive, or files
start to disappear from your system.
Many viruses delete key files in your system to
render it inoperable.
* Program sizes change from the installed versions.
This occurs because the virus is
attaching itself to these programs on your disk.
* Your browser, word processing application, or
other software begins to exhibit unusual
operating characteristics. Screens or menus may
* The system mysteriously shuts itself down or
starts itself up and does a great deal of
unanticipated disk activity.
* You mysteriously lose access to a disk drive or
other system resources. The virus has
changed the settings on a device to make it
* Your system suddenly doesn't reboot or gives
unexpected error messages during startup.
This list is by no means comprehensive.
A virus, in most cases, tries to accomplish one of
two things: render your system inoperable
or spread to other systems. Many viruses will
spread to other systems given the chance and
then render your system unusable. This is common
with many of the newer viruses.
If your system is infected, the virus may try to
attach itself to every file in your system
and spread each time you send a file or document
to other users.
Viruses take many different forms. The following
sections briefly introduce these forms
and explain how they work. These are the most
common types, but this isn't a comprehensive
Types of viruses

Armored Virus
An armored virus is designed to make itself difficult
to detect or analyze. Armored viruses
cover themselves with protective code that stops
debuggers or disassemblers from examining
critical elements of the virus. The virus may be
written in such a way that some aspects of the
programming act as a decoy to distract analysis
while the actual code hides in other areas in
the program.
From the perspective of the creator, the more time
it takes to deconstruct the virus, the
longer it can live. The longer it can live, the more
time it has to replicate and spread to as
many machines as possible. The key to stopping
most viruses is to identify them quickly
and educate administrators about them the very
things that the armor intensifies the
difficulty of accomplishing.

Companion Virus
A companion virus attaches itself to legitimate
programs and then creates a program with a
different filename extension. This file may reside in
your systems temporary directory. When
a user types the name of the legitimate program,
the companion virus executes instead of the
real program. This effectively hides the virus from
the user. Many of the viruses that are used
to attack Windows systems make changes to
program pointers in the Registry so that they
point to the infected program. The infected program
may perform its dirty deed and then
start the real program.

Sample Text

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Hi i am Muthu kumar,software engineer.